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2023英國高級音響展實況報導: UK Audio Show Deluxe


“Deluxe”,顧名思義,有高級、奢華之意,這是在英國舉辦的第一屆UK Audio Show Deluxe高級音響展,展覽精神在於質,不在量,這讓我想起臺灣幾年前也辦過精品暨音響特展,可惜後來沒有再發展下去。主辦單位正是每年6月左右”英國西北音響展 – UK North West Audio Show”,自然有非常豐富的經驗。既然講究質感,Audio Show Deluxe的地點選在北安普敦郡(Northamptonshire)南部,托斯特(Towcester)的”Whittlebury Hall Hotel and Spa”渡假中心,其不僅有極為美麗的高爾夫球場,更有各項SPA與休閒設施,趁著看展的同時,來個周末放鬆之旅,實是人生一大樂事,完全符合”Deluxe”的精神。展覽約有20多個展房,雖然不多,但精銳盡出,也有一些其他展覽中較沒看過的品牌,整體來說依然相當有看頭,若沒開車的朋友,可以坐火車到Milton Keynes Central Station再轉計程車前往,車程約20分左右,單趟車資為35英鎊(僅供參考)。展覽有設置免費的咖啡機與小點心供大家使用,入場時也有香檳跟飲料,並且還有舒適的休息座位,這點也相當加分,當然我想台灣的音響展人相對較多應該不適用,有提供乾淨的水給大家喝我覺得就已經很棒。

PAGE 02: Entry, Whittlebury Hall Hotel and Spa
PAGE 03: mbl, DS Audio, Clearaudio, Furutech
PAGE 04: AVID HIFI, Amphion, EgglestonWorks, Audiomica, Hegel
PAGE 05: Kroma, Engstrom, Shunyata Research, FalkenOhr, Taiko Audio, Vitus Audio, SOtM
PAGE 06: Perlisten, Primare
PAGE 07: Living Voice, Kuzma, SJS Electronics, Grand Prix Audio
PAGE 08: KEF, Soulution
PAGE 08: Innuos, Magico, dCS, Dan D’Agostino
PAGE 08: Karan, Wilson Audio, Rockna, Finite Elemente, Cardas Audio
PAGE 09: DeVore Fidelity, Copland
PAGE 09: Audio Note
PAGE 10: Lateral, JMR, Black Forest Audio, puresound, Audio Research, STST, Aurorasound
PAGE 10: DeVore Fidelity, EAT, dCS, Artesania
PAGE 11: Magico, DartZeel, dCS, Dohmann, HSE, Tranparent, Reed, Artesania
PAGE 12: Wilson Audio, dCS, Audio Research, Constellation, Transparent, Artesania, Prima Luna
PAGE 13: Raidho, Kronos, Ayre, Audio Analogue
PAGE 13: Falcon, Solidsteel, BAT, Origin Live
PAGE 14: Vertere, FM Acoustics
PAGE 15: Franco Serblin, Brinkmann, Shunyata Research, Chasing the Dragon, HRS
PAGE 16: Audiopax, Primary Control, ZenSati, Puritan Audio, Grimm Audio, Mola Mola
PAGE 17: Stratton Acoustics, Vertere, Audio Note
PAGE 18: Headphone (dCS, HiFiMAN, Melco, VIVA, Nordsot, Lapizator, Audeze, Focal, T+A. Riviera, Meze)
PAGE 18: Axhorn Loudspeakers, Chord Company, The Vinyl Adventure

00:00 London Euston – Milton Keynes Central – Whittlebury Hall Hotel and Spa
01:27 Show Entry
04:09 mbl, DS Audio, Clearaudio, Furutech
08:27 AVID HIFI, Amphion, EgglestonWorks, Audiomica, Hegel
11:45 Kroma, Engstrom, Shunyata Research, FalkenOhr, Taiko Audio, Vitus Audio, SOtM
16:02 Stratton Acoustics, Vertere, Audio Note
19:07 Audiopax, Primary Control, ZenSati, Puritan Audio, Grimm Audio, Mola Mola
21:16 Vertere, FM Acoustics
24:07 Magico, DartZeel, dCS, Dohmann, HSE, Tranparent, Reed, Artesania
26:46 Wilson Audio, dCS, Audio Research, Constellation, Transparent, Artesania, Prima Luna
28:40 Living Voice, Kuzma, SJS Electronics, Grand Prix Audio
32:00 Raidho, Kronos, Ayre, Audio Analogue
33:30 KEF, Soulution
34:50 Karan, Wilson Audio, Rockna, Finite Elemente, Cardas Audio
36:54 Innuos, Magico, dCS, Dan D’Agostino
37:47 DeVore Fidelity, EAT, dCS, Artesania
39:10 Lateral, JMR, Black Forest Audio, puresound, Audio Research, STST, Aurorasound
40:21 Falcon, Solidsteel, BAT, Origin Live
42:22 Perlisten, Primare
44:46 Franco Serblin, Brinkmann, Shunyata Research, Chasing the Dragon, HRS
47:11 Audio Note
48:21 DeVore Fidelity, Copland
49:19 Headphone (dCS, HiFiMAN, Melco, VIVA, Nordsot, Lapizator, Audeze, Focal, T+A. Riviera, Meze, Solidsteel, STAX, Moon)
50:39 Chord Company, The Vinyl Adventure
52:02 Axhorn Loudspeakers

PAGE 03: mbl, DS Audio, Clearaudio, Furutech

PAGE 04: AVID HIFI, Amphion, EgglestonWorks, Audiomica, Hegel

PAGE 05: Kroma, Engstrom, Shunyata Research, FalkenOhr, Taiko Audio, Vitus Audio, SOtM

PAGE 06: Perlisten, Primare

PAGE 07: Living Voice, Kuzma, SJS Electronics, Grand Prix Audio

PAGE 08: KEF, Soulution

PAGE 08: Innuos, Magico, dCS, Dan D’Agostino

PAGE 08: Karan, Wilson Audio, Rockna, Finite Elemente, Cardas Audio

PAGE 09: DeVore Fidelity, Copland

PAGE 09: Audio Note

PAGE 10: Lateral, JMR, Black Forest Audio, puresound, Audio Research, STST, Aurorasound

PAGE 10: DeVore Fidelity, EAT, dCS, Artesania

PAGE 11: Magico, DartZeel, dCS, Dohmann, HSE, Tranparent, Reed, Artesania

PAGE 12: Wilson Audio, dCS, Audio Research, Constellation, Transparent, Artesania, Prima Luna

PAGE 13: Raidho, Kronos, Ayre, Audio Analogue

PAGE 13: Falcon, Solidsteel, BAT, Origin Live

PAGE 14: Vertere, FM Acoustics

PAGE 15: Franco Serblin, Brinkmann, Shunyata Research, Chasing the Dragon, HRS

PAGE 16: Audiopax, Primary Control, ZenSati, Puritan Audio, Grimm Audio, Mola Mola

PAGE 17: Stratton Acoustics, Vertere, Audio Note

PAGE 18: Headphone (dCS, HiFiMAN, Melco, VIVA, Nordsot, Lapizator, Audeze, Focal, T+A. Riviera, Meze)

PAGE 18: Axhorn Loudspeakers, Chord Company, The Vinyl Adventure

AUDIO SHOW DELUXE will be something different and something truly unique in the HiFi calendar. A show where exhibitors are invited to bring only their truly high-end and luxury products and present them in an atmosphere that is in-keeping and sympathetic to their stature at the pinnacle of audio excellence and luxury.In addition to the great audio brands we have exhibiting at AUDIO SHOW DELUXE, we have also secured entertainment from a number of international artists who will perform in The LOUNGE.

The organisers of AUDIO SHOW DELUXE have deliberately kept the availability of suites low to allow visitors to the event time to spend in each room. Without the pressure to rush and visit an excess of exhibitor rooms, visitors will be free to thoroughly enjoy and experience each suite at their leisure. You will be able to enjoy the following distributors and brands at your own pace and ask the questions you need to be answered by the expert staff manning the rooms.

10:00-19:00 Sat, 25 March 2023
10:00-17:00 Sun, 26 March 2023

Whittlebury Hall Hotel and Spa
Whittlebury, Towcester NN12 8QH
United Kingdom

Entry will be £10 per day and £15 for a weekend ticket if booked in advance and £12 per day on the door.
Suggested dress code is smart casual.



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